Friday, September 27, 2019

Week of Sept 30th to Oct 4th

Homeroom Messages : Poirier

Monday, September 30th is Orange shirt Day

Math  - Poirier

We are continuing “Multiples” and “PPCM” and will start “Facteurs”.  We continue to develop strategies for solving problems.
Students will have a Math “Diagnostic Test” on Wednesday Oct 2nd and Thursday Oct 3rd.

Students don’t need to study for that test.  The purpose of it is to know what they remember from grade 5 and will not be considerate for report cards.  This test will guide me on student’s level in Math.

There are the Math homework from Sept 30th – Oct 4th:

Lundi:     p.58 # 13-14-15-16
Mardi:    p. 61 # 1-2-3
Mercredi: p. 61 # 3-4-5-8
Jeudi:                    p. 65 # 1-2-3-4
Vendredi:  Pas de devoir

Science - Poirier

We just finished our research on “sky object” and student will have to present their discoveries in front of class.  We will start talking about Seasons, moon, equinox and solstice.

ELA- Fedchun

Short Story: Charles by Shirley Jackson

Students worked very hard to print their first draft of their stories from Laurie's perspective. We discussed paragraphing in short story writing using the strategy: TiPToP - New paragraph for Time, Place, Topic, Person. We also discussed dialogue rules in writing. We began typing the second copy of our story, and implementing these new strategies.  Next week, we will continue with comparing and contrasting Laurie to Self and work on the Figurative Language: Metaphors and Similies.

FLA - Poliquin 

Student had their test about the noun.  The results are on Power School.  We started working on the verbs in the present and the past (imparfait).  We will continue next week with the future (futur simple) and work on practicing those tenses before moving on to something new.  
Students can practice their French skills (grammar, reading, vocabulary, etc.) by going to this website: Ortholud.

Here is a summary of the different endings for the verbs : La conjugaison des verbes

Don't forget to bring your library book.  We will renew or exchange it on October 2nd.

Social St. - Turcotte

This week in Social Studies we started to talk about decision models and different government. We also started to prepare a skit to present next week. Next week, we will finish "what is a government" and the differences between those models. Also, we will start to talk about Canadian rights and responsibilities. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Week of Sept 23th to 27th


Homeroom: Poirier

Math : Poirier

This week, (sept 23rd – sept 27th) we are starting “estimation, multiples et multiples communs”.
There are the Math homework from sept 23rd – sept 27th :

Lundi:      p.54 # 8-9-10-11
Mardi:      p. 56 # 1-2-3
Mercredi: p. 56-57 # 4-5-6
Jeudi:       p. 57 # 7-9-10
Vendredi:   Pas de devoir

Science : Poirier

We just finished the solar system and we will start a project about “objets du ciel”

The students picked the subject they want to explore and will have 5 days to complete a ‘Google slide” about the object they picked.

E.L.A.:   Fedchun

Students have been rewriting the short story 'Charles' from the point of view of the little boy. I will be using this sample of writing to determine next steps in the writing process. Next week, we will be reading a short story with the theme of being true to yourself.

F.L.A. :  Poliquin

This week we went to the library to get a French book to read at home or in class.  We  corrected the worksheet from last week and did a practice of the test they will have Monday.  Go through your notes about the nouns to be prepared for the short test.

Social Studies:  Turcotte

This week in Social Studies we started to talk about decision models and different government. We also started to prepare a skit to present next week. Next week, we will finish "what is a government" and the differences between those models. Also, we will start to talk about Canadian rights and responsibilities.

Pages du manuel

Friday, September 13, 2019

Week of Sept 9th


Homeroom: Poirier
Our school is raising money for the Terry Fox Foundation. Students can bring me loonies and toonies over the next two weeks. The school community has for objective to raise 1000$. The run will be Thursday, September 26th. 

Meet the Teacher - Thursday, September 19th 5:00 - 8:00pm

Parent - Teacher - Students Conferences - Meet the Learner - Friday, September 20th 9am - 2:30pm

Volleyball Tryouts : Jr Boys - Monday and Wednesday from 2:45pm to 4:00pm
                               Jr Girls - Tuesday and Thursday from 2:45pm to 4:00pm
Math : Poirier

Grade 6 students received their Math Textbook on Wednesday Sept 11th.
We will ask all students to cover there book for Wednesday Sept 18th. 

We are reviewing numbers and learn how to recognize and write big numbers until "Billions".

There are the homework of the week (Sept 16th to Sept 20th):  
-Monday p. 48 # 1-2-3-4-5
-Tuesday p. 49 # 7-8-10-11
-Wednesday p.53 #2-3-5-6
-Thursday p. 54 # 8-9-10-11
-Friday: no homework (have a nice weekend)

Science : Poirier

We start our unit of "Astronomie"
This week we talked about space and explored the solar system.

E.L.A.:   Fedchun

It has been a few years since I taught ELA 6 and had forgotten what a great age this is. That being said, I think I was overzealous in my planning for the week. Students needed more time to finish their puzzle pieces and rationale; they are now homework and students were asked to have those handed into the basket on Friday. We began reading the short story Charles by Shirley Jackson and students are working through some activities. Once we complete those, we will move to the next short story The Day I Cheated.  Puzzle Pieces will be on display in one my breakout rooms, so please come by Room 13 to see our classroom puzzle during Meet the Teacher Night.

Next Steps/review based on observations from this week's lessons: Capitalization review,  Understanding Prefixes and Suffixes.

F.L.A. :  Poliquin
This week we went over what we knew about the noun and took notes about it.  The students had to find nouns (proper, common, feminine and masculine) in a text and search the rules that tell us how to transform a masculine word into a feminine word and a singular word into a plural word.

Below is a link for the worksheets we did and are still working on : 

Le nom (worksheet)
Le genre et le nombre des mots 

Students must be prepared when arriving in class.  That means they must have their FLA binder and the worksheets we are working on.  I will rarely have an extra copy of what we are currently working on, so whoever will lose their worksheet will have to print it from the blog.

Social Studies:  Turcotte

Last week, we started our first chapter on democracy where it is from and how it is present in our everyday life. We will continue our learning next week by adding some new terms and vocabulary to our knowledge and extending our understanding of the concept.

Phys.Ed.:   Favry

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Welcome to David Thompson!

Math & Science
Johanne Poirier

My name is Johanne Poirier and I am the 6.2 Homeroom teacher.  Once a week I will post on this blog special announcements and homework.   

After just 3 days of school, students had the opportunity to meet with friends, review some grade 5 knowledge from last year and meet there new teachers.

I am teaching Math and Sciences to all grade 6 students.  Students are expected to speak French in my class at all time. You will notice that Social studies and French Language Art teachers will ask for the same expectations. This is your kid's first challenge of the year.  All year long, I will be there to help students in any of there school challenges.

Each student will receive a Textbook in Math.  I am asking students to cover the textbook with strong paper (not just a book sock).  They will get there book around mid-September.

In Math, students will have homework every day from Monday to Thursday (never on weekend). All the other subjects will have assignment once in awhile.  In Science they might get 5 to 6 projects in the whole year. 

To see course outlines from Math     Science      Arts 

Have a great school year!

6.2 Homeroom

 ELA 6.2
Jennifer Thorne Fedchum

I look forward to working with and getting know each student this year.  I will be teaching ELA and have a lot of fantastic ideas planned. Please see the course outline that was sent home with each student this week for further information.

“No one person is a smart as all of us put together.”

This week we are working on creating a classroom puzzle; each student is creating one piece of that puzzle, which reflects their identity. It will be displayed on a bulletin board all year. Please see the link below for assignment details and rubric. Next week, we will be continuing with identity and self-discovery by reading short stories: Charles by Shirley Jackson, The Day I Cheated by Tony Lena. And to finish off we will play a great game of Guess Who.

If you need to contact me, please email me at

Looking forward to a great year!
Ms. J. Fedchun

Puzzle Piece Assignment Link:

FLA 6.2
Vicky Poliquin

Good to have you back again this year!  This week we went over the course outline (click here to see it) and the students started a short worksheet on how to use the dictionary.  The students also brainstormed and tried to remember whatever they could on those two subjects :  grammar and descriptive writing.  There was a lot of interesting information given by the students.  Here are two pictures of their cooperative work.

Also, here is the link with the video about the “Alphabet”.

Social Studies 6
Claudia Turcotte-Barabe

Welcome back to David Thompson grade 6s! It will be my pleasure to be your social studies teacher this year. You can click on the  Course Outline 6 SS to find all the information about what we will be studying in Social Studies this year. This week, we started slowly by getting to know each other, we talked about our class routines and reviewed the geography of our country.

Friday, June 19th

YEARBOOK If you want your classmates to virtually sign your yearbook, you can create a signing page. Click on this link:   https://ye...