Friday, September 27, 2019

Week of Sept 30th to Oct 4th

Homeroom Messages : Poirier

Monday, September 30th is Orange shirt Day

Math  - Poirier

We are continuing “Multiples” and “PPCM” and will start “Facteurs”.  We continue to develop strategies for solving problems.
Students will have a Math “Diagnostic Test” on Wednesday Oct 2nd and Thursday Oct 3rd.

Students don’t need to study for that test.  The purpose of it is to know what they remember from grade 5 and will not be considerate for report cards.  This test will guide me on student’s level in Math.

There are the Math homework from Sept 30th – Oct 4th:

Lundi:     p.58 # 13-14-15-16
Mardi:    p. 61 # 1-2-3
Mercredi: p. 61 # 3-4-5-8
Jeudi:                    p. 65 # 1-2-3-4
Vendredi:  Pas de devoir

Science - Poirier

We just finished our research on “sky object” and student will have to present their discoveries in front of class.  We will start talking about Seasons, moon, equinox and solstice.

ELA- Fedchun

Short Story: Charles by Shirley Jackson

Students worked very hard to print their first draft of their stories from Laurie's perspective. We discussed paragraphing in short story writing using the strategy: TiPToP - New paragraph for Time, Place, Topic, Person. We also discussed dialogue rules in writing. We began typing the second copy of our story, and implementing these new strategies.  Next week, we will continue with comparing and contrasting Laurie to Self and work on the Figurative Language: Metaphors and Similies.

FLA - Poliquin 

Student had their test about the noun.  The results are on Power School.  We started working on the verbs in the present and the past (imparfait).  We will continue next week with the future (futur simple) and work on practicing those tenses before moving on to something new.  
Students can practice their French skills (grammar, reading, vocabulary, etc.) by going to this website: Ortholud.

Here is a summary of the different endings for the verbs : La conjugaison des verbes

Don't forget to bring your library book.  We will renew or exchange it on October 2nd.

Social St. - Turcotte

This week in Social Studies we started to talk about decision models and different government. We also started to prepare a skit to present next week. Next week, we will finish "what is a government" and the differences between those models. Also, we will start to talk about Canadian rights and responsibilities. 

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Friday, June 19th

YEARBOOK If you want your classmates to virtually sign your yearbook, you can create a signing page. Click on this link:   https://ye...